IFAT Munich 2024

Die IFAT Munich überzeugt als Weltleitmesse für Umwelttechnologien durch einen hohen Grad an Internationalität und beeindruckende Aussteller- und Besucherzahlen. Die IFAT Munich gilt als Branchentreffpunkt der Wasser-, Abwasser-, Abfall- und Rohstoffwirtschaft. Alle bedeutenden Key-Player präsentieren hier ihre neuesten Produkte, Lösungen und Services. Der Besuch des fachlichen Rahmenprogramms ist im Ticketpreis inbegriffen.

Prof. Hani Abu Qdais

Professor of Environmental Engineering

Dr. Hani Abu Qdais is a Professor of Environmental Engineering at the Civil Engineering Department of Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST).  

He has obtained his PhD. From University of Newcastle, UK. Having more than 30 years of diverse experience in public, private and academic sectors, Dr. Abu Qdais has obtained more than 3 million US$ of fund for his research and consultation projects. He has published more than 60 papers in international refereed journals and proceedings of international conferences (H Index: Scopus = 24, Google Scholar = 31). Most of his publications and projects are focusing on sustainable waste and water management, Waste to energy, Climate change and Circular Economy. In 2021, 2022 and 2023 Professor Abu-Qdais was listed among the World’s top 2% Scientist by Stanford University. Furthermore, he has been awarded Shoman award for Arab Scientist in the field of Waste Management in 2015. Prof. Abu Qdais has served as a consultant for several national and international agencies, such as the Ministry of Local Administration, Ministry of Environment, UNDP, GIZ, USAID, WHO, IDRC, FAO, SIDA, EU and projects funded by the World Bank.

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