Dr. Gabriela Garcés is Consultant, Researcher and Advisor with experience in international cooperation projects, management and planning for sustainability in the fields of waste management, circular economy, bioenergy, waste(water) treatment, watershed management, environmental/ water assessments and the governance and social aspects.
She has worked with Indo-German projects, GIZ, IUCN, DAAD, AHKs, in Costa Rica, the academia and the private sector in Germany, India, Latin America, and collaborated with partners in Africa. She is member of the coordination team of Women of Waste (WOW!), a global initiative and ISWA Task Force, and advises on gender perspectives.
Gabriela works on capacity building, participatory processes, and have collaborated with int. organizations, business associations, governments and NGOs formulating waste and environmental management strategies in the context of ecosystem protection and climate change.
Gabriela has a PhD in nat. sciences from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), master studies in Sustainable Resource Management and Biological Sciences, specialized in waste, wastewater management and sanitation at TUM and environmental studies in Peru.