IFAT Munich 2024

IFAT Munich—The World's Leading Trade Fair for Environmental Technologies boasts a high international presence and an impressive number of exhibitors and visitors. IFAT Munich is known as a industry platform for presentations and innovation in the water, sewage, waste and raw materials sector. All relevant key-players will present their latest products and services on environmental solutions. The technical supporting program is free of charge.

Closing plastic loops – well recyclable packaging is half the battle

Martin Kraus, Dr. Simone Richler

Especially within the packaging industry, plastics used are very short-dated, which is why the plastic cycle should be closed as much as possible to minimise negative impacts. The recycling of plastics comes with a lot of challenges.
How to tackle those challenges is addressed in this session.
Orange Stage

First, a general presentation will give an overview of the current challenges related to plastics recycling. A good practice example will then show how plastic packaging can be designed to be both sustainable and recyclable.

Finally, the audience will have the opportunity to ask their questions to the speakers.

Martin Kraus
Head of Packaging Development & Technology
© Messe München GmbH