IFAT Munich 2024

IFAT Munich—The World's Leading Trade Fair for Environmental Technologies boasts a high international presence and an impressive number of exhibitors and visitors. IFAT Munich is known as a industry platform for presentations and innovation in the water, sewage, waste and raw materials sector. All relevant key-players will present their latest products and services on environmental solutions. The technical supporting program is free of charge.

Fit for Future: Climate-Adapted Water Management

Dr. Rainer Müssner, Thomas Baumann, Juliane Neumann, Einar Eberhardt

The consequences of climate change in the form of extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall, floods and droughts must be taken into account in the planning of water and wastewater infrastructure and in the management of surface and groundwater. The BMBF supports the development of solutions for climate-adapted water management.
Blue Stage

The workshop provides an overview of the Federal Research Program Wasser: N and presents current projects from ongoing funding measures: "Water Extreme Events (WaX)", "Sustainable Groundwater Management (LURCH)" and "SME-innovative". Technologies, concepts and strategies for drought, heavy rainfall and flood risk management as well as for sustainable management of groundwater resources will be presented. The workshop will open with a keynote address, followed by three presentations. Between presentations, short discussion blocks will provide time for exchange with the audience.


Partner / Organizer
BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
© Messe München GmbH