IFAT Munich 2024

Die IFAT Munich überzeugt als Weltleitmesse für Umwelttechnologien durch einen hohen Grad an Internationalität und beeindruckende Aussteller- und Besucherzahlen. Die IFAT Munich gilt als Branchentreffpunkt der Wasser-, Abwasser-, Abfall- und Rohstoffwirtschaft. Alle bedeutenden Key-Player präsentieren hier ihre neuesten Produkte, Lösungen und Services. Der Besuch des fachlichen Rahmenprogramms ist im Ticketpreis inbegriffen.

Dr.-Ing. Gerd Sagawe

Shareholder, Partner
Dr.-Ing. Gerd Sagawe

Dr.-Ing. Gerd Sagawe, CV

Dr.-Ing. Gerd Sagawe Unternehmensberater, since 2022
Independent management consultant
Shareholder, Partner
in the partner network of Dr. Weber & Partner GmbH
Consulting for strategy, business and human resources development and support in the establishment and further development of business units and teams in water, wastewater, energy and environmental technology.
🌐  http://www.dr-weber-partner.de/sagawe

EnviroChemie GmbH , 2003–2021
Board member, management, etc.
Company development from a small, medium-sized plant engineering company to a leading group of companies in industrial water and wastewater treatment in Europe with responsibility for strategic business development, human resources, marketing & PR, management systems, water chemistry and Operation Management, M&A.

Degree in chemical engineering, University of Karlsruhe (KIT)
PhD, Faculty of Energy and Economics at Clausthal University of Technology

Association activities
German Water Partnership
, Board member, head of the industrial water management working group
DECHEMA, member of the industrial water section

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