IFAT Munich 2024

Die IFAT Munich überzeugt als Weltleitmesse für Umwelttechnologien durch einen hohen Grad an Internationalität und beeindruckende Aussteller- und Besucherzahlen. Die IFAT Munich gilt als Branchentreffpunkt der Wasser-, Abwasser-, Abfall- und Rohstoffwirtschaft. Alle bedeutenden Key-Player präsentieren hier ihre neuesten Produkte, Lösungen und Services. Der Besuch des fachlichen Rahmenprogramms ist im Ticketpreis inbegriffen.

Dr. Daniel Frank

senior advisor / project lead
Daniel Frank

Dr. Daniel Frank is senior advisor in the field of water management, with a focus on stakeholder development and project management. He leads several international implementation projects at DECHEMA, among others in Namibia, and is also responsible for business development in the area of water management for a green hydrogen production. Prior to his current position, he worked for a European consultancy in the field of industrial water management. Daniel Frank is a trained and professional mediator and moderator; he holds a Phd in chemistry and a diploma in chemical engineering. Additionally to his work for DECHEMA, he is deputy chairman of a national expert committee, promoting sustainable water usage concepts at GermanWaterPartnership. He chairs a working group on the evaluation of sustainability criteria for green hydrogen at the German Institute for Normation.

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