IFAT Munich 2024

IFAT Munich—The World's Leading Trade Fair for Environmental Technologies boasts a high international presence and an impressive number of exhibitors and visitors. IFAT Munich is known as a industry platform for presentations and innovation in the water, sewage, waste and raw materials sector. All relevant key-players will present their latest products and services on environmental solutions. The technical supporting program is free of charge.

Innovative solutions for a textile circular economy

Jonas Stracke

The panel discussion explores innovative approaches to reducing textile waste and resource consumption, as well as promoting textile recycling and reuse, to close the textile loop and provide economical solutions for the environment and the economy.
Green Stage
Panel discussion

The panel discussion "Innovative solutions for applied textile circular economy " features innovative experts from industry and start-ups to discuss the urgent question of how the textile industry needs to deal with used textiles and textile waste in future. From reducing waste and resource consumption, to promoting textile recycling and reuse, to integrating new technologies and business models, this discussion explores innovative approaches to closing the loop on textiles and making a positive impact on the environment and economy.

Head of circular economy and resource efficiency
© Messe München GmbH