IFAT Munich 2024

IFAT Munich—The World's Leading Trade Fair for Environmental Technologies boasts a high international presence and an impressive number of exhibitors and visitors. IFAT Munich is known as a industry platform for presentations and innovation in the water, sewage, waste and raw materials sector. All relevant key-players will present their latest products and services on environmental solutions. The technical supporting program is free of charge.

Textile EPR – a cross-industry system for textiles

Jonas Stracke

In future, distributors of textiles and clothing will be faced with new and extensive requirements as part of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). In order to meet the changing legal requirements, the discussion will focus on the requirements that an effective EPR system must fulfill.
Green Stage
Panel discussion

In near future, distributors of textiles and clothing will be faced with new and extensive requirements as part of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). In order to meet the changing legal requirements, the discussion will focus on the requirements that an effective EPR system must fulfill. The experts will shed light on how an EPR system run by companies placing products on the market should be designed and what conclusions can be drawn from existing EPR systems. The panel discussion will offer practical insights into how such a system can be implemented and which experiences can be adopted from comparable industries. The focus will be on developing innovative solutions to successfully overcome the challenges of extended producer responsibility and promote sustainable practices in the textile and clothing industry.

Head of circular economy and resource efficiency
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